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Glo and Connect Logo
Community Initiatives

Glo and Connect Teen Workshop Series

Join GTA in a deep dive into everything you need to know about life beyond graduation! A Free 2-Day Workshop Series for students in 9th-12th grade with local industry leaders discussing resume building, wellness tips, personal finances and launching successful careers.

The GTA team is proud to volunteer our time and donate resources to elevate the community around us. Through GTA Gives, we organize meaningful initiatives and events that support our local community.

What to Expect?

Location: Micronesia Mall, Concourse 3, First Floor Unit C109/C10 across Lin's Jewelry Store

Topics will be covered during keynote presentations, panel Q+A sessions and an interactive career discovery workshop. Attendees have the opportunity to win daily prizes and enter a grand raffle for an iPad Air 5th Generation! At the end of our workshop series, we’ll be presenting our GTA Youth Leader Program for 2024-2025. This GTA Gives program awards the following amongst top scorers: iPads, financial scholarships and United Airlines miles.

Event Information